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100 Days of Wishes

For the next 100 days, I am committing to creating 100 “Wishes”

They are similar to my Invocations

Each wish is created using my handmade paper and fibers from upcycled materials. 

Due to COVID-19, I can't invite the community into my studio to create and make art together.

To make work, I need to work collaboratively, that’s just my process, so I am asking my community to collaborate with me in a new and different way.

I want to do something that makes me feel good in my spirit, and it is my hope that participating will have the same effect for others. It is my wish to sew joy and hope during this challenging time. I thank you for your trust and support, I literally do not have words for the gratitude I feel deep in my heart right now.

Whenever we are in agreement together, it gives power to the things we want to call into our lives.

I invite you to entrust me with a wish of yours. I will then create a physical “Wish” to honor your ask, meditating on your wish as I create. For me, it’s very powerful when someone co-signs my wishes. 

The process:

  • Send your wish to me via email at or DM me on social media @ellafaeart. Your wish will be kept confidential with full anonymity.  

  • I co-sign it, just as another human being in agreeance 

  • I create a “Wish” to represent the wish we are agreeing to ask for together

  • After 100 days, there will be 100 Wishes

  • People who sign up to become Wishkeepers, will receive their adopted “Wish” to shelter and honor in their home.

If you want to sign up to be a Wishkeeper and adopt a “Wish,” there is an adoption fee of $55. 

This fee indicates that:

  • You take this sacred role seriously

  • You are committing to take care of this sweet wish

  • You agree to co-sign all 100 wishes with me

  • You understand that I will hand select your “Wish” specifically for you based on what feels right. 

“Wishes” come framed to protect them from dust, humidity, etc. If you reframe them, please do so with care <3 

Something to note: If you both submit a wish and adopt a “Wish” at the end of the project, the “Wish” you adopt will not be the one you submitted. When we take on someone else’s wish, we create a sacred circle, an agreement, that we are going to hold space in our spirit for what other people want to call in. As a huge fan of the power of community, I think this is really important. So I am asking the community to be in agreement that we are going to hold space for other people at this time. 

If you send me your wish for someone else, that’s perfectly fine, but I absolutely am going to respond, “and what’s your wish for yourself?” I know it can be really hard to ask for things for ourselves, and I really want to encourage you to love on yourself the same way that you love other people. Know that there is nothing wrong with wanting something for yourself. I think it’s one of the most accessible ways we can be kind to ourselves--to allow ourselves to support us.

Thank you for making such a sweet commitment and agreeing to complete this sacred circle of hope and trust.


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