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The Art of Accepting

by Elizabeth Palmisano

"This book is not about claiming your truth, it's about creating the truth you want to have. 

When you invoke it into your life, you invoke it into the world so others can experience it. 

There is no authority higher than your inner voice."


If I were taking a trip and my backpack would only fit a few things, this book would be one of them. An art book, spiritual tome, practical life guidebook, “The Art of Accepting” will become your treasured companion. Whether you choose to write in it and have dog-eared pages or keep it as a sacred text, you are promised wisdom, inspiration, direction and guidance to heal yourself and be a healing force.

Amy Jane Williams, MA LPC



Elizabeth has laid her heart out in print in a beautifully simple and magnificently powerful invitation. Gaze with her into the possibilities. Through authentic expression you'll discover the ability to connect with yourself and others in meaningful ways. This book creates a shift of focus; you are the main character. Your perceptions shift from forces outside yourself to an inner focus that gently nurtures self-awareness. I see this book to have the potential to create a transformation that few other tomes have.  



John Donovan, CADC



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